Tag Archive | Ride

196Days #170 WES Train

An old passenger train from Alaska became a commuter train in Oregon

One of Portland’s west side metro commuter trains.

Many of you know that my grandson loves trains. Nearly every day he texts me to be sure to film the nightly commuter train. Since we cross the tracks every evening on our way home from work, we frequently park in a parking lot along the way to film for him. He’s particularly enchanted with this double engine train in the fleet. It was originally a passenger train in Alaska and was brought to Portland, refurbished and added to the west side metro portion of the commuter train system.

What makes this train unique, besides it’s age and previous job, is that it runs on a full size rail road track with P&W trains. P&W owns the track and an agreement was forged to allow the commuter limited times to run which allows P&W freight trains to travel at alternate times.

Tonight I rode the train with my grandson, husband, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter to Beaverton where we walked to Jin Wah, an amazing Chinese restaurant . The food choices are extensive and include Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Thai. Everything came from the kitchen extremely fast, hot, and delicious.

Then we returned via train to our cars to go to our separate homes. It was a great evening. We’ll have to try again if we want to ride this exact train, tonight we rode one of the newer ones. They switch often, so we never know exactly which train it will be.

So that was my new experience today. Did you try something new today? If so, what did you do?



Ps This photo obviously was not taken tonight. I got many wonderful photoz from our excursion, but since it is really too late to sort and edit photoz tonight, I pulled one from last fall. I loved the colors created by the setting sun casting its golden light on the train and the grasses.