A Rare Day in January 2015

It was an amazing warm day for January 21st. A gentle breeze, a blue sky with a few scattered clouds and the temperature above 50 degrees invited me out for a walk past the wetlands. My camera was at home, but I was so glad I had my cell phone with me.  Everywhere I looked I saw the last days of winter before spring awakens the earth.

.2015-01-21 14.19.56 2015-01-21 14.18.06 2015-01-21 14.16.28 2015-01-21 14.15.41 2015-01-21 14.07.08 2015-01-21 14.02.41 2015-01-21 13.51.19 2015-01-21 13.50.51

I present these photoz as is, no cropping, editing and not even signed. I chose to share them as is because if my time was spent doing all the tweaking there would be no time for posting. I do hope you enjoy my little excursion around the “block” (it’s a little over a mile) and get a sense of the land and sights we are blessed to see daily. The photo on the bottom left has a bit of Mt Hood in the distance. Unfortunately the bright sun on the horizon with the white cloud made it disappear.

Cheers to Nature even when it’s in its winter snooze.

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About Shez

In a nut-shell (nut-case?): Photographer, illustrator, writer, passionate DIY enthusiast, wife, mother, grandmother. I love learning new things and anything that is creative: sewing upholstery or dresses, painting walls or art, building dolls or walls, cooking and cake decorating, knitting or wiring. By day I am a small manufacturing business owner, operator, partner. I am Totally Random Shez.

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