185Days #181Yellow Pansies in Brilliant Sun

Brilliant yellow pansies are blinding in bright sunshine

The pansies take the prize for being the most brilliant yellow, in the bright sunlight sun glasses were mandatory for viewing these miniature blossoms.

These were a very small variety of pansy. Each bloom was less than the size of a quarter. What they lacked in size they made up for in profusion and with a sun shining brightly a person needed sun glasses to see them. The white spots are areas where the shine of the leaf was reflecting the sun.

A morning brightener for sure.

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About Shez

In a nut-shell (nut-case?): Photographer, illustrator, writer, passionate DIY enthusiast, wife, mother, grandmother. I love learning new things and anything that is creative: sewing upholstery or dresses, painting walls or art, building dolls or walls, cooking and cake decorating, knitting or wiring. By day I am a small manufacturing business owner, operator, partner. I am Totally Random Shez.

2 responses to “185Days #181Yellow Pansies in Brilliant Sun”

  1. Sunnyace says :

    Reblogged this on Sunnyace Reblog Collections.

  2. Xandré Verkes says :

    Gorgeous!!! 🙂 **

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