69Days #297 Shades From Red to Green

Cherry tomatoes ripen from red thru orange, yellow, lime and bright green

The backlight on the stems reveals the hairs on them as the cherry tomatoes ripen in shades from bright red thru orange, yellow, lime and bright green.

Not everyone nor everything blooms or grows at the same time. Each ones uniqueness shines when the moment is right for them.

Cheers to individuality,


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About Shez

In a nut-shell (nut-case?): Photographer, illustrator, writer, passionate DIY enthusiast, wife, mother, grandmother. I love learning new things and anything that is creative: sewing upholstery or dresses, painting walls or art, building dolls or walls, cooking and cake decorating, knitting or wiring. By day I am a small manufacturing business owner, operator, partner. I am Totally Random Shez.

4 responses to “69Days #297 Shades From Red to Green”

  1. K.C. Winters says :

    HI , Sounds like you are still doing amazing things. I’m still working and reworking the illustrations of the ladybug book. Just joined a scbwi critique group and looking forward to more changes. The launching of the book feels near, at least nearer! I’m kinda rooted after several months of travel and plan to do the things necessary for it. Ahhhh, but what?

    • K.C. Winters says :

      K.C. Winters says : November 7, 2012 at 6:35 pm
      HI , Sounds like you are still doing amazing things. I’m still working and reworking the illustrations of the ladybug book. Just joined a scbwi critique group and looking forward to more changes. The launching of the book feels near, at least nearer! I’m kinda rooted after several months of travel and plan to do the things necessary for it. Ahhhh, but what?


    • Shez says :

      Hi, KC, Thank you so much. I was so surprised to hear from you and soooo HAPPY!! You’ll get that book the way you want it yet. Look for an email from me. TMI to post here. 😉

What are your thoughts?