48Days #318 Critters

Yesterday, Nov 24, 2012, I was in the kitchen making coffee and saw whole flocks of birds swarming the trees for bugs and hanging out at the feeder. When the coffee was ready I took my cup into the living room and looked out the front window to see a crow, a large bird, and a squirrel. Each rather warily checking out the other. Here is the inquisitive squirrel.

A squirrel in the front yard.

A squirrel in the front yard.

I went to the back to see about the flocks in the trees. Instead I was greeted by this sight.

A squirrel with an apple runs across the back deck.

A squirrel with an apple runs across the back deck.

And watching from in the tree was this guy, a familiar critter to many of you.

The acrobatic squirrel watches the apple carrying squirrel and resumes eating maple nuts.

The maple nut harvesting, acrobatic squirrel checking out the apple harvesting squirrel.

The expression on his face is, “Hey, where you going with that apple? Going to bake a pie? Want to share?”

The flock was gone, my coffee was still hot. It was a great way to start the day.

Cheers to relaxing days off and free entertainment right out the window,



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About Shez

In a nut-shell (nut-case?): Photographer, illustrator, writer, passionate DIY enthusiast, wife, mother, grandmother. I love learning new things and anything that is creative: sewing upholstery or dresses, painting walls or art, building dolls or walls, cooking and cake decorating, knitting or wiring. By day I am a small manufacturing business owner, operator, partner. I am Totally Random Shez.

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