Tag Archive | surprise

61Days #305 Hunger Pangs

The adventure continues. My friend has taken the rental car to the job center in hopes of finding a job she wants. The weather was mild, mid 50s, so I decided to take my camera and see what I could see, but mostly my stomach was telling me we needed to see food. Off I […]

230Days #136 Double Dipper Moon

Over exposed super moon but the detail of the moon appears in the reflection of my filter

My super moon photos did not turn out well.

They were all over exposed and I do know what I did wrong. I took the time to read my photo books. Even though there is no detail in the moon and no amount of playing with Photoshop could recover any, it turned out quite cool that the moon was reflected off my filter. My circular polarizing filter came through with the detail and I could turn the filter ring to move the location of the reflection, but could not remove it from showing up somewhere.

The light marks to the right of the moon is the top of a fir tree illuminated with some light from the moon. I took several shots with the silhouette of trees or small branches with leaves across the moon. I wasn’t impressed with any of them. They were cool in person and flat in reality.

This photo was taken with my big Canon, tripod mounted and equipped with a 150-300 mm lens, polarizing filter and set with too long of an exposure and too large an aperture. This just proves that when it is too late at night and too dark to see the settings, anything can happen.

So a bad photo of a wonderful event with unexpected results still makes it a bad photo of a wonderful event with unexpected results.

Two very busy weeks with full weekends leaves me with not enough time to get my list of work completed every day, no time to read blogs and not enough time to sleep. It does not mean I am ignoring you all it just means I am getting WAY behind. And I am never bored. There is always something I need to be doing.

