Smoke Sky

Sunday was a surreal day. The wind shifted and blew the smoke from the massive forest fires of Washington and Oregon into the Portland Metro Area (Portland Oregon USA). The sunlight was yellow. Yellow sidewalks, yellow streets, yellow leaves and grass. The weather was hot and muggy. My husband and I decided to take a […]


Last week, the magnolia buds had begun to bloom. There were beautiful whites, pale pinks, purples and dark pink. At the rate the blossoms were opening I had figured Saturday they would be spectacular and I planned to take time for a photo shoot. Wednesday was sunny and warm but the weather forecast for the Thursday was for rain.

Rain ruins the show. It knocks many of the petals off and turns the one left on the trees browns. It was still light on the way home from work. But it was sprinkling a little.  It was a now or never moment when I saw this Magnolia Tree. There was time for a few quick photos as the clouds darkened the scene and the rain started.


A Rare Day in January 2015

It was an amazing warm day for January 21st. A gentle breeze, a blue sky with a few scattered clouds and the temperature above 50 degrees invited me out for a walk past the wetlands. My camera was at home, but I was so glad I had my cell phone with me.  Everywhere I looked I saw the last days of winter before spring awakens the earth.

.2015-01-21 14.19.56 2015-01-21 14.18.06 2015-01-21 14.16.28 2015-01-21 14.15.41 2015-01-21 14.07.08 2015-01-21 14.02.41 2015-01-21 13.51.19 2015-01-21 13.50.51

I present these photoz as is, no cropping, editing and not even signed. I chose to share them as is because if my time was spent doing all the tweaking there would be no time for posting. I do hope you enjoy my little excursion around the “block” (it’s a little over a mile) and get a sense of the land and sights we are blessed to see daily. The photo on the bottom left has a bit of Mt Hood in the distance. Unfortunately the bright sun on the horizon with the white cloud made it disappear.

Cheers to Nature even when it’s in its winter snooze.

Late Autumn 2014

Nature never ceases to amaze me with dazzling beauty. No two minutes alike and in the blink of an eye it can be missed, never to be repeated. A few of my favorite photos taken at the end of November 2014. The sky alternated between black, bright and sometimes it was both. The sun low […]

Oregon Aquarium and OSU Marine Science Center

Sometimes the best way to see nature is to go to a nature center. It is the only way to see some creatures.

Beautiful Orange Jellyfish

Beautiful Orange Jellyfish

These wonderful jellies are about 7 inches in diameter. They are in constant motion moving up, down, sideways and diagonally. They always move head first with the tentacles trailing.

Large White Jellies

Large White Jellies

The size of a large dinner plate or platter, these translucent wonders move in every direction. The interior parts also pulsate.

Beautiful colors of anemone cling to a wall of rock.

Beautiful colors of anemone cling to a wall of rock.

Wave movement keeps these colorful anemones in constant motion. Lovely.

Anemone in Green

Anemone in Green

Set up to mimic actual tide pools, the water surges and drains. In this shot the water was draining.

Touching Encouraged

Touching Encouraged

A learning center where touching is not only allowed, it is encouraged.


The wishes on the various types of weeds are a work of art. One head was the size of a baseball. It had few seeds but created such a gorgeous pattern.

Perfection of Design

Perfection of Design

Perhaps I am easily enchanted, but these are the magic of nature.

The smaller seed heads have more wishes per head, but are equally beautiful.

The smaller seed heads have more wishes per head, but are equally beautiful.

Yet another view as the seeds begin to loosen and fly with the breeze.

Many have already taken the trip and these two are setting sail.

Many have already taken the trip and these two are setting sail.

As the world turns into autumn, the tiny wishes in the fields become fairy wishes.
wWishesFall Autumn Wishes.

Sending good wishes your way.

Coast Scenes

Whether wind, rain, fog, mist, calm, sun, cool or a mix of all, every trip to the coast is a delight. The smells of the ocean, the changing colors of the waves, the excitement of the sea, the clouds it all looks different, every time. I was not disappointed on this trip in late June 2014.

Bonsai by Wind

Bonsai by Wind

w2014-06-28BonsaiBayTrees2 Wind Sculpted Coast Pine

w2014-06-28DriftwoodAndGrass1 Skeletal Driftwood

w2014-06-28DriftwoodAndGrassIIDriftwood with Grass


This is a small bay fed with the fresh water of a small river and the salt water of the ocean. The bay expands and shrinks with the rise and fall of the tide. It had been a long day when we stopped to stretch our legs.

This is along the central Oregon USA coast line, along the Pacific Ocean. This sheltered cove was a perfect place to hang out for a while.

We love the coast!! How about you?


Trees and Clouds

Hi, I’m checking in to let my friends and followers know I am fine. It’s been a busy, busy, hectic and crazy year…in a good way. However, there are only so many hours in a day and I needed more. Finally had a few minutes to check out some of the many photos I took […]

Cannon Beach in April

A weekend get-a-way at the picturesque Cannon Beach provided opportunity for many photos. Two days, one cold and windy the other calm and 75. Two sunsets one was a waltz, simple and calm,  the other a tango and exciting. It was the warmest day we have ever had at the coast. A pure delight. Here’s […]

Burst Into Spring

After so many storms of snow and ice, it was surprising to see that it hardly slowed down the popping buds. I am sharing a few taken over the three weeks following the ice.  These ended up in no particular order. The duck is the male that wintered over with his mate. During the snow […]